Teach in Yangshuo, Guilin, China -- Sara Seggie

Hello to all my angels scattered across the planet....

I deeply apologize if you were thinking I had dropped of the face of this beautiful earth. I haven't gone that far...just to the other side. I moved to a small rural town in Southern China last week.

For the next year or so this gorgeous place, Yangshuo, in Guangxi Province, will be my home. You know the most beautiful post cards that you've ever seen of Southern China, the ones with fishermen fishing with Cormorants on a peaceful river with the sun setting behind these magnificently odd steep hills that just seem cut out of the ground? .... THAT'S were I live (Check out www.yangshuo.com to see what I mean) I'm teaching at a really small school, only about 20 students, between the ages of 17 and 35 who all speak English very well.

There are two other foreign teachers here with me, two excellent guys from Israel. The teachers and the students are all like a big family, we do so much together (by choice) we eat, play, watch movies, play ping-pong, go for bike rides into the countryside, party and of course ... study together. I'm really trying to learn a lot of Chinese.

This really is such a small town, only 3 major roads, about 30 000 people ... although I don't know were that number came from. I can go out on my bike for 15 minutes and be in a little Chinese village, dirty happy children, water buffalo everywhere, houses made out of hand made bricks, no water or electricity ... absolutely gorgeous, hospitable people. Yesterday I was invited into a family's home to eat and play with newborn rabbits (their food) on the dirt floor of their tiny but cozy home.

It's really cold at night, unlike in Canada everything is open here and not heated so there is no escaping the chill. It doesn't really get any colder than about 8 degrees or so but it gets into your bones. Some days are really warm though ... the temperature from day to day is all over the shop.

My accommodations are excellent. Compared to the local people I'm paid REALLY well, my flight, accommodations and food are paid for, I'm given a bike, I really don't work much.... basically I'm on holiday, as always. Internet connection at the moment is really difficult. That should change though.... the computer at the school should be re-connected soon.

Drop me a line for sure ... although it is all really good, I can't deny that I'm really lonely at times.

I'm sending you the biggest freight train full of hugs and kisses that you ever saw in you whole entire life.

touch this star *.... it¡¯s like you're touching me.

Your Sara

Sara Seggie
c/o Buckland College
POB 555 Yangshuo, Guilin
Guangxi Province 541 900

Ps. you can get in touch with my school through the web site I gave you above, my boss's address is bucklandgroup@gmail.com he is a really big recruiter for China.if anybody is interested


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