Thanks No. 1 Middle School of Xia Jin
--from Kevin, Roselyn and Chevonne Cutting

No. 1 Middle School of Xia Jin

We, the Cutting family would like to thank No. 1 Middle School for all there support.
We would like to thank the headmaster Mr Jon for his time, effort and kindness and financial support that he and the school showed when Roselyn was admitted to Xia Jin hospital, also to the teachers and students for there support during this very traumatic time.
On referral from Dr van Reunan from Beijing who recommended Tian Tan hospital we decided to take Roselyn to Beijing as it is the best Neuro Surgical hospital in China.
Xia Jin hospital transported Roselyn to Beijing accompanied by Mr Xia and Mr Soon who where able to translate for us and being of great help when we arrived in Beijing. To Xia Jin hospital Superintendent, Doctors and nurses and ambulance driver, thank you.

Owen Buckland personally came up to Xia Jin to see our headmaster Mr Jon, he also brought a temporary teacher and visited Xia Jin Hospital where he thanked the superintendent and presented them with a mirror in appreciation of all that they had done for us. Later in the evening Owen took Mr Jon and teachers and county head out for dinner to thank them all.
We would like to thank Owen Buckland for his support during this ordeal that we experienced, his kindness and concern was greatly appreciated.

Tian Tan hospital has a world wide reputation as being one of the very best hospitals in China. Dr Tom performed the angiogram inserting dye into the artery from the leg area, on doing this they where able to see exactly where the leakage was in Roselyn's brain, right in the centre. Being a rather dangerous operation and the area where it was situated being right in the middle of the brain we decided to have the operation done through the groin as it was less evasive.
The operation was done on the 22nd April 2004 and was very successful, however Roselyn had double vision from all the bleeding and pressure in her head but the Doctors said that it should clear up in time, she was told to get lots of rest and not to stress.
We arrived back in Xia Jin on the 1st May 2004, very relieved and happy to be back home. The headmaster, Mr Jon and Mr Xia came to visit us the following day to make sure that all was well.
Once again we would like to thank the headmaster, Mr Jon, No. 1 Middle school, teachers and students for your concern and kindness, that you have shown throughout this ordeal, words could not say or describe how thankful we are.

Kevin, Roselyn and Chevonne Cutting

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